The purpose of this comprehensive project was to use the learned software and modelmaking tools to design and build an object bigger than a shoebox and smaller than a refrigerator. The design was to incorporate Rhino and Grasshopper and was to utilize the laser cutter and 3D printer. I chose to design a coffee table (for the practical reason that I needed one for my apartment). The coffee table exploits the lofting capabilities of the modeling software and the ability of the lasercutter to accurately print the contours created in Rhino. The 3D printer was utilized to print "integrated cupholders" that are inset into the coffee table top. The design also incorporates a flat surface just big enough for my laptop, and a built-in interior shelf to store remote controls. The finished prototype involved about 17 hours of cutting, 13 hours of construction, 8 hours of 3D printing, and 450 sf of cardboard.

Rhino model

Preliminary Render

Final deliverable